Monday, September 22, 2008

A Good Laugh

Nothing makes me laugh harder then when Inara starts nursing and then pulls off and milk squirts all over her face. Oh, it kills me every time!


Stephanie said...

You know what I love about that? Is that only a mom who has breast fed can think that's funny. It's got to be utterly(hehe) disgusting to anyone else. In fact, I was just laughing about that same thing to a new mom the other day. Funny

Natalie Jayne Matson said...

I totally agree! Funny, Funny, Funny! Chris used to call "one of our children who will remain nameless" CRAZY MILKFACE

Heather said...

Things to look forward too!


That happened to me all the time! it is totally funny and sort of weird all at the same time. I'm glad that nursing is going better for you the second time around. (I guess that's kinda personal...sorry =)) No privacy for moms I guess!