Sunday, November 30, 2008

A First

Aliah had her first hair cut the other day. I took her with me to the salon when I went to get my hair done for my birthday. She LOVED it. I didn't think she would hold still at all, but she soaked it up and kept saying she was a princess. It was very cute.
She loved the cloak Jenni put on her.
Here's the new Aliah. She doesn't look any differend really, but her mullet is gone now. Jen is sweet she didn't make me pay for Aliah's haircut. We grew up around the corner from eachother and she does my hair every year for my birthday.
Here's me after my haircut. I'm holding 13 inches of hair that I donated to Locks of Love.



Your hair is so cute short kels! LOVEit!! Way to go for Aliah too!

Sarah Shelley said...

It's been a long time since I've seen your hair short! It looks great! Now it's back to the way it should be - my hair longer than yours. ;) Love ya!

Hannah said...

I love you THIS much!!!

Logan and Michelle said...

What fun!! A mommy and daughter date at the salon. That Aliah sure is a lucky girl. I think the first time I had my hair blown-out was when I was in college!

Kristin said...

Your hair looks so great!

Heather said...

OK, SO first of all, I think it was super nobal of you to donate your hair... but mostly i am just infatuated with your new hair cut... It's like it was designed for you! YOU LOOK AMAZING!

Cynthia said...

Love the new look! I'm sure it's such a huge change, 13! That's awesome you donated it.

Stephanie said...

Wowzer woman! That's alot of hair. Believe it or not, my hair is longer than yours right now! I'm pretty sure that's never happened before. And Aliah is as adorable as ever. I can't wait to get rid of Sagie's mullet.

Andra & Daryl Evans said...

You are beautiful my dear, and so is aliah! Love the haircut, love your guts!

Colette said...

Oh wow Kels- Your hair looks great...13 inches thats a lot wow!!
That is so cute that Aliah loved it! Girls we just know how to be spoiled even at such a young age :)